Treatments/Ailments Indications for treatment (indications in italics may respond to acupuncture) Chest Conditions: both medical and surgical, including hayfever, asthma, pneumonia, cystic fibrosis, emphysema, bronchitis and bronchiectasis. Chinese and Western Style Acupuncture: May be used on its own or in conjunction with other treatments. Western acupuncture is used mainly for the relief of pain and muscle tension, and to promote tissue healing. Chinese acupuncture may be used for a wider range of conditions. | | Circulatory Problems: wounds, ulcers using laser therapy. Elderly: Mobility problems. Facial and Other Palsies: e.g. Bell's Palsy, dropped foot, muscle weakness. Neurostimulator for home use available.
Fractures: treatment may be given during the healing process or to restore and gain full function once the bones have healed. Headaches and Facial Pains: tension headaches, migraine, trigeminal neuralgia. Injuries: to muscles, joints, ligaments, cartilage, tendons or bones. Sprained ankles, dislocations, 'Tennis elbow', Work related conditions such as Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI).
Joint Problems: osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, injury, pain/swelling/stiffness in joints such as shoulders, elbows, wrists, hips, knees, ankles. | Medico-legal: Road traffic or work related injuries. Myofascial Release: For stiffness, restriction of movement and pain across a broad area of the body. Neurological complaints: Strokes, multiple sclerosis, parkinsons, spasticity... | | Paediatrics: for childhood conditions including postural and walking problems. | | Pain: Acupuncture, Massage, tens etc.. Pain Management: an individual approach to reduce pain and the impact it has on your wellbeing, daily activities, and your social life.
Pain Syndromes: eg. Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, chronic or recurrent pain, nerve damage pain, abdominal pain.
Physiotherapy: a wide range of modalities are available, including exercise therapy, manipulation, mobilisation and electrotherapy. | Hands On: - Passive movements to mobilise stiff or injured joints
- Manipulation of the spine and peripheral joints
- Massage to muscles and tendons
- Traction to spine, both manual and mechanical
| | | Electrotherapy: - Ultrasound
- Combined ultrasound and interferential
- Interferential
- Lazer
- T.N.S.
- Electro-acupuncture
- Passive mechanical mobiliser
- Muscle stimulation
| | Exercise: - Individual regimes planned for each patient
- Postural correction
- Rehabilitation after injury and/or operation
- Correction of muscle imbalance
- Re-education of balance and co-ordination
Strapping: - To protect and rest tissue where necessary
All ages and professions are treated from Paediatrics, dancing, sports through to the elderly. | | Posture and relaxation: appropriate advice and exercises for postural or stress related conditions. Rehabilitation After Surgery: rehabilitation after orthopaedic surgery, e.g. hip and knee replacement or general physiotherapy after general surgery. Regaining muscle strength, mobility, fitness and balance. | | | Spinal Problems: stiff painful back & neck, postural problems, slipped disc, sciatica, lumbago, spondylosis, degeneration, pain referring to arms or legs. | Sports Injuries and Rehabilitation: Soft tissue and joint related sports injuries from any sport. Treatments from the initial acute stage, through to returning to fitness. i.e Torn calf muscles, shoulder injuries, groin strains, pulled hamstrings, sprained ankles, achilies, tendinitis, shin splints, stress fractures. | | Surgical conditions: Post operative complications and rehabilitation. Work Related Problems: eg. overuse injuries, postural problems, back or shoulder problems.